Pvc Hose Product Categories under HS code 39173900


1.Agricultural Irrigation and Industrial Water Hose 2.High-Pressure Air Hose 3.PVC Water Hose Reinforced with Steel Wire 4.Garden Water Hose

Pvc Hose Product Categories under HS code 39173900

What is HS code?

HS Code stands for Harmonized System Code, also known as the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System. It is an international convention established by the World Customs Organization (WCO) to provide a universal standard for describing the types of goods worldwide. This system allows customs authorities in different countries to classify and identify goods for various purposes, including taxation, trade policy, monitoring of controlled goods, rules of origin, freight charges, transportation statistics, price monitoring, quota control, national accounts compilation, and economic research and analysis.

When importing or exporting goods, the importer or exporter must accurately declare the corresponding HS Code to the customs authorities. This requires having a thorough understanding of the product's name, material, function, usage, and principles to find the precise HS Code in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Accurate HS Code declaration is crucial as any errors may lead to severe legal risks for the importer or exporter, including affecting their qualifications and credit, facing customs administrative penalties, and even criminal liability.

HS Code is unique in that generally, one type of goods corresponds to only one HS Code, but one HS Code may correspond to multiple types of goods. It serves as a universal identity for imported and exported goods, facilitating their identification, classification, and verification.

Overview of PVC Hose Product Categories under HS code 39173900

The HS code 39173900 customs code covers a diverse range of PVC hose products that are highly sought after due to their excellent performance and extensive applications. Here is a clear overview of the product categories under PVC Hose HS 39173900:

I. Agricultural Irrigation and Industrial Water Hose

PVC Layflat Hose: This hose is suitable for agricultural irrigation, forestry sprinkler irrigation, construction projects, and industries and mining enterprises. It features a soft surface, lightweight, high burst pressure, and long service life. It is also resistant to acids, alkalis, stretching, wrinkling, and is non-toxic, odorless, and environmentally friendly. Common sizes range from 1" to 12", with lengths of 20/50/100m. Working pressure (W.P) is 3-10bar, and burst pressure (B.P) is 6-30bar.

II. High-Pressure Air Hose

PVC Air Hose: Made of tough PVC material and high-strength polyester reinforcement, this hose can operate under very high working pressures. It is lightweight, flexible, durable, corrosion-resistant, and explosion-proof. Widely used in pneumatic tools, pneumatic cleaning equipment, compressors, engine parts, machine maintenance, and civil engineering equipment. Common specifications include 1/4" to 3", with a working temperature range of -10°C to 65°C.

III. PVC Water Hose Reinforced with Steel Wire

PVC Steel Wire Reinforced Hose: Suitable for water suction and discharge, including water, oil, granules, and powders. It is non-toxic, lightweight, flexible, durable, and anti-aging. Lengths can be up to 1-100m, with a working temperature range of -40°C to +160°C and a working pressure of 2bar-15bar.

IV. Garden Water Hose

PVC Garden Water Hose: Designed specifically for gardening, cleaning, and other regular hose work around the home or garden. This hose is easy to use, lightweight, and flexible, with a thick-walled design to prevent kinking, making it suitable for all-weather use. It is often equipped with various nozzles, fittings, and hose reels. 

The Harmonized System (HS) code for PVC hoses, including PVC steel wire hoses, generally falls under the following category:

  • HS Code: 3917.39


  • 39: Plastics and articles thereof

  • 17: Tubes, pipes, and hoses, and fittings therefor (for example, joints, elbows, flanges), of plastics

  • 3917.39: Other tubes, pipes, and hoses, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings.

However, it's important to note that the specific HS code can vary based on the hose's exact specifications, such as whether it is reinforced, the presence of fittings, and its intended use. For precise classification, you should consult the latest Harmonized Tariff Schedule or contact a customs expert.

For additional details, you can refer to the World Customs Organization or the official customs website of your country.

Importance and Usage of HS Code in PVC Hose Export

When engaging in international trade, it is crucial to correctly classify goods using the Harmonized System (HS) code. This standardized numerical method is used globally to identify products in international trade and ensures smooth customs clearance, correct tariff application, and adherence to regulatory requirements.

For exporting PVC hoses, including PVC steel wire hoses, the HS code is typically 3917.32. Here are the key points on how and when to use the HS code in the export process:

Points on Using HS Code:

  1. Customs Documentation:

    • The HS code must be included in all customs documentation, such as the commercial invoice, packing list, and bill of lading. This helps customs authorities accurately identify and classify the product.

  2. Tariff Calculation:

    • The HS code determines the applicable import duties and taxes. Accurate classification ensures that tariffs are correctly calculated, avoiding overpayment or penalties.

  3. Trade Agreements:

    • When taking advantage of free trade agreements (FTAs), the HS code is essential to verify that the PVC hose qualifies for preferential tariffs.

  4. Regulatory Compliance:

    • The HS code is used to comply with various regulatory requirements, including safety standards, labeling, and product restrictions. Proper classification ensures adherence to these regulations.

  5. International Trade Statistics:

    • Governments and trade organizations use HS codes to collect trade data and statistics. Accurate reporting helps in market analysis and policy making.


Using the correct HS code, 3917.32, for PVC steel wire hoses is essential for ensuring efficient and compliant international trade operations. It facilitates proper tariff application, regulatory compliance, and smooth customs clearance. Accurate use of the HS code in all relevant documentation supports a seamless export process, benefiting both exporters and importers.

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