How to choose the size of garden pipes


RENATO HOSE have often make garden hose is 1/2 inch, 5/8 inch,3/4 inch and 1 inch.

How to choose the size of garden pipes

When selecting garden pipes, here are some detailed recommendations broken down into various consideration factors:

Garden Hose 19mm Inner Diameter.webp

  1. Size of the Garden and Irrigation Needs

  • Small gardens: For gardens with a small area and limited plant variety, typically smaller diameter and shorter length garden pipes would suffice. For instance, 1/2" (diameter of about 1.27cm) or 3/4" (diameter of about 1.91cm) pipes are adequate for basic irrigation needs.

  • Large gardens: For larger gardens with a diverse range of plants, larger diameter and longer length garden pipes are recommended. 1" (diameter of about 2.54cm) or larger pipes can ensure sufficient water supply to all corners of the garden.

  1. Water Source Pressure and Flow Rate

  • Water pressure: Select an appropriate pipe diameter based on the water pressure provided by the source. Higher pressure sources can use smaller diameter pipes, while lower pressure sources require larger diameter pipes to ensure adequate water flow.

  • Flow rate: Calculate the required flow rate based on the water usage in the garden and select the appropriate pipe specifications. Higher flow rate demands require larger diameter pipes.

  1. Soil Properties

  • Permeability: For areas with good soil permeability, smaller diameter garden pipes may be sufficient. Conversely, areas with poorer permeability may require larger diameter pipes to ensure water reaches the plant roots.

  1. Pipe Material and Pressure Resistance

  • Material: Consider the environmental conditions the garden pipe will be exposed to, such as sunlight, temperature changes, and chemicals. Select corrosion-resistant and durable materials like PVC or PPR.

  • Pressure resistance: Choose pipe materials with the appropriate pressure resistance based on the pressure the pipe needs to withstand. Generally, larger diameter pipes can handle higher pressures.

  1. Economy and Environmental Friendliness

  • Economy: Select garden pipes that offer good value for money and meet your usage requirements within your budget.

  • Environmental friendliness: Consider environmental factors and select recyclable and low-polluting pipe materials.

  1. Installation and Maintenance

  • Installation: Choose garden pipes that are easy to install, dismantle, and clean to reduce installation and maintenance costs.

  • Maintenance: Ensure the selected garden pipe size allows for easy maintenance, such as cleaning and replacing damaged parts.

  1. Common Specifications and Series

  • Common specifications: DN15 (4-way pipe), DN20 (6-way pipe), DN25 (1-inch pipe), etc., are common garden pipe specifications suitable for different irrigation needs.

  • Series: PPR water supply pipes come in various series such as S5, S4, S3.2, S2.5, S2, etc. The smaller the series number, the thicker the pipe wall and the higher the pressure it can withstand.

  1. Special Considerations

  • Special plant needs: Some plants may require special irrigation methods or higher water volumes. In such cases, select a larger diameter garden pipe based on specific needs.

  • Future expansion: Consider potential additions to your plant collection or irrigation areas in the future and select a slightly larger garden pipe diameter to allow for expansion.

By carefully considering these factors, you can select the most suitable garden pipe size for your garden.

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